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Lec 14: std::optional and Type Safety

Definition: The extent to which a function signature guarantees the behavior of a function.



void removeOddsFromEnd(vector<int>& vec){
    while(vec.back() % 2 == 1){

如果 vec 为空,则 vector<int>::back() 行为未定义。


void removeOddsFromEnd(vector<int>& vec){
    while(!vec.empty() && vec.back() % 2 == 1){


我们先看一下 vector<valueType>::back() 函数的实现(简化版):

valueType& vector<valueType>::back(){
    if(empty()) throw std::out_of_range;
    return *(begin() + size() - 1);


std::pair<bool, valueType&> vector<valueType>::back(){
    if(empty()) return make_pair(false, valueType()));
    return *(begin() + size() - 1);


  1. 首先,valueType() 是 r-value,不能绑定在 valueType& 上。
  2. 其次,即使把 valueType& 改为 const valueType & 或者 valueType,也不行。因为 valueType 未必有默认构造函数
  3. 最后,即使有默认构造函数,该构造函数执行的时间成本可能也不小。

因此,我们要用 std::optional<T> 进行封装:

std::optional<valueType> vector<valueType>::back(){
    if(empty()) return std::optional::nullopt;
    return std::optional<int>{*(begin() + size() - 1)};
  • 注意:std:optional<valueType>valueType 后面没有 &。因为 std::optional 不允许引用。

Interface of std::optional

如何调取出 std::optional<T> 中的东西呢?可以使用以下接口:

T std::optional<T>::value();                 // if not `nullopt`, return original value; 
                                             // else, throws bad_optional_access error
T std::optional<T>::value_or(T default_val); // if not `nullopt`, return original value; 
                                             // else, return default_val
std::optional<T>::has_value();               // return if it is not `nullopt`

可以类比 Haskell 的代码:

-- `value` is impure, since it might throw exceptions
-- so we shall not talk about it here

value_or :: Maybe a -> a -> a
value_or (Just x) _ = x
value_or Nothing  y = y

has_value :: Maybe a -> Bool
has_value (Just _) = False
has_value Nothing  = True

因此,removeOddsFromEnd 可以改成:

void removeOddsFromEnd(vector<int>& vec){
    while(!vec.back().has_value() && vec.back().value() % 2 == 1){

这还是有点长了。实际上,由于 std::optional 内部已经定义了 conversion member function:

template<typename T>
class optional {
    // ...
    operator bool() const {
        return has_value();
    // ...

因此,removeOddsFromEnd 可以进一步简化为:

void removeOddsFromEnd(vector<int>& vec){
    while(!vec.back() && vec.back().value() % 2 == 1){

Pros and Cons

Pros of using std::optional returns:

  • Function signatures create more informative contracts
  • i.e. optional means that the function might return a bad value

  • Class function calls have guaranteed and usable behavior

  • i.e. it never throw exceptions, as long as it is used properly

Cons: - You will need to use .value() EVERYWHERE - (In cpp) It’s still possible to do a bad_optional_access - nevertheless, C++ is a low-level language that highly depends on exception - (In cpp) Optionals can have undefined behavior too (*optional does the same thing as .value() with no error checking) - In a lot of cases, we want std::optional... which we don’t have - std::optional<T&> is not allowed

Monadic Features (C++ 23)

std::optional "monadic" interface (C++23 sneak peek!)

  • .and_then(function f): Returns the result of calling f(value) if the contained value exists, otherwise null_opt (where f must return optional).
  • .transform(function f): Returns the result of calling f(value) if the contained value exists, otherwise null_opt (where f must return optional<valueType>).
  • .or_else(function f): Returns the value if it exists, otherwise returns the result of calling f.

std::optional is a wrapper, a monad. But it's not that widely used in C++.

You can have a full taste of monad in Rust, Swift and JavaScript, if you will.