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1. Reddit


  1. Mathematics
  2. Computer Science
  3. Programming Languages
  4. Haskell


  1. Github
  2. Free books, papers, etc
  3. Library Genesis
  4. Linux


  1. UC Berkeley
  2. MIT
  3. ZJU(其实这个基本无人问津,还是建议上 cc98

2. Stack* Series

The main sites are:


  1. Mathematics
  2. Computer Science


  1. Vim
  2. LaTeX

3. 知乎

Memos and RSS reader

Memos are for storing unread web pages and I can read them later.

  1. Cubox
  2. Inoreader

I also save memos in previously mentioned websites.

  1. Reddit

  2. Stack* Series (I only list the most important ones here)

  3. CS

  4. Math

  5. StackOverflow

  6. Github Stars

  7. And also my Github Lists

  8. 知乎

  9. CS学习相关

  10. 数学
  11. 英语学习