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1. Introduction

Goals and Their Killer Apps

  1. When selfish behavior is benign - that is, acquire a bit more computational power, but the rule-maker's goal can be achieved.
    1. 竞价排名
    2. Spectrum 排名
    3. Kidney exchange
    4. ...
  2. Let the price of anarchy be as near to 1 as possible
    1. Braess's paradox
Price of Anarchy
\[ \text{price of anarchy} = \frac {\text{cost if every participant is selfish}} {\text{(optimal) cost if an almighty arbitrator exists}} \]

e.g. Braess's paradox 的 POA 就是 \(\frac{2}{\frac 43} = \frac 34\)

Proof Goal

通常,我们希望证明(如果存在纳什均衡,participants 的最终行为就必然满足 Nash Equilibrium

当然,可以减弱:就是 when you have dominant strategy (i.e. if everybody have their dominant strategy, it can easily be the Nash Equilibrium), people will play it.

Yet Another Goal

How do players reach Nash equilibrium? Or do they? And can computational complexity shed some light on this question?

Example of "how": When playing scissor-paper-rock game, there is no deterministic Nash equilibrium, i.e. you can only reach a (mixed and unique) Nash equilibrium via randomization.

Example of "complexity": some games (auctions) are hard to play, and you can see the analysis in the later courses.

Computational Tractability and Intractability

Existence (Nash's theorem): if  1. mixed strategies (where a player chooses probabilities of using various pure strategies) are allowed, 2. then every game with a finite number of players 3. in which each player can choose from finitely many pure strategies 4. has at least one Nash equilibrium, - which might be a pure strategy for each player or might be a probability distribution over strategies for each player.

Tractability: The Nash equilibrium of every zero-sum game can be computed in polynomial time.

Intractability: The computation of Nash equilibrium of some non zero-sum game is in the complexity class PPAD-hard.

Observation 1

可以证明:除非 NP = co-NP,否则非零和游戏的纳什均衡点的计算问题就不可能是 NP-hard(然而 NP = co-NP 目前来看是希望渺茫的)。从而,我们只好再造一个 complexity class - PPAD,用于涵盖这个重要的计算问题。

因此,可以这么说,上面的问题是 PPAD-hard,但是很可能不是 NP-hard。然而,PPAD-hard 大概也无法找出多项式时间的解,因此也具有很强的 intractability

同时,这也是继 factorization, graph isomorphism 之后,第三个目前既未证明是 NP-hard,也未证明是 P 的重要问题。

Observation 2

Due to the intractability of computing Nash equilibrium of general games, 我们大概可以认为,人类本身就计算不出来纳什均衡点。

因此,使用纳什均衡作为 the critique of all games,是非常不符合实际的。