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Lec 2: Types and Structs

Static typing v.s. dynamic typing

By static typing, a name is associate with a type that can't be changed.

Using compiled and statically typed language, types will be checked during compilation.

compiled interpreted
statically typed C/C++, Java, Rust Python (with type hints), TypeScript
dynamically typed Groovy, Julia Python, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP

Function overloading

Unlike dynamic typing languages, we use function overloading (by types) to realize (often ad-hoc) polymorphism.

Problems with strongly and statically typed languages

Strongly and statically typed languages are great, but there are a few downsides:

  • it can be a pain to know what the type of a variable is
  • any given function can only have exactly one return type
  • C++ primitives (and even the types in the STL) can be limited


it can be a pain to know what the type of a variable is

Use keyword auto.

Warning ⚠:

  • only use it when the type is obvious
  • or the type is annoyingly verbose to write out

any given function can only have exactly one return type

C++ primitives (and even the types in the STL) can

Use structs. - structs allow you to return groups of information. - you can use initializer_list to make structs - you can also use std::pair<T1, T2> to return a pair of information be limited