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13. Move Semantics

Lec 13: Move Semantics

Introduction: push_back vs emplace_back

##include <vector>
##include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Test {
    Test() : count(0) {}
    Test(const Test& other) noexcept {
        this->count = other.count + 1;
    ~Test() {
        // default
    void operator() () {
        cout << count << ' ';

    int count;

int main() {
    vector<Test> t;
    t.push_back(Test()); // output: 3
    t.emplace_back();    // output: 1
    for (auto i : t) {

    return 0;

Recap: Destructor

##include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

class Test {
    Test() = delete;
    Test(string str) : tt(str) {
        cout << tt << " is constructed via `string` \n";
    Test(const Test& other) {
        tt =;
        cout << tt << " is constructed via `Test&` \n";
    ~Test() {
        cout << tt << " is destructed \n";
    Test& operator=(const Test& other) {
        cout << tt << " is assigned to " << << '\n';
        tt =;
        return *this;
    string tt;

void mark_times() {
    static int time = 1;
    cout << "Mark: " << time << '\n';

Test fun (Test t) {
    return t;

int main() {
    Test test1("Hello");
    Test test2("World");
    test1 = fun(test2);
    cout << "final test\n";
    test2 = fun(static_cast<string>("CS106L"));

    return 0;

Output (with flag -Og -fno-elide-constructors):

Hello is constructed via `string` 
Mark: 1
World is constructed via `string` 
Mark: 2
World is constructed via `Test&` 
Mark: 3
World is constructed via `Test&` 
Hello is assigned to World
World is destructed 
World is destructed 
Mark: 4
final test
CS106L is constructed via `string` 
CS106L is constructed via `Test&` 
Mark: 5
CS106L is constructed via `Test&` 
World is assigned to CS106L
CS106L is destructed 
CS106L is destructed 
CS106L is destructed 
Mark: 6
CS106L is destructed 
World is destructed 


  1. temporary objects will be destructed after the program goes to the next line
  2. all non-new objects will be destructed after reaching }
  3. when calling test(static_cast<string>("CS106L")), three temp objects will be created (and destructed)
  4. first, (string)"CS106L" to Test temp1
    • if you discard the -fno-elide-constructors flag, the first and second steps can be merged into one step
  5. second, Test temp1 to Test t
  6. finally, Test t to return

l-value vs r-value

This is a simplification of the reality, but it's enough for today's topic.

l-value is a value with an identity

  • can be addressed

r-value has no identity.

  • can't be addressed

r-value reference

int main()
    int a = 1;
    int &b = a;
    int &c = a + 2; // error: cannot bind non-const lvalue reference to an rvalue
    const int &d = a + 2;
    int &&e = a; // error: cannot bind rvalue reference to lvalue
    int &&f = a + 2;

Why r-value is the key to std::move

An object that is an I-value is NOT disposable, so you can copy from, but definitely cannot move from.

An object that is an r-value is disposable, so you can either copy or move from.

  • "move" here just means "steal"

Move constructor and move assignment

The move constructor and move assignment are at the bottom two lines.

Rule of thumb: If your class has copy constructor and copy assignment defined, you should also define a move constructor and move assignment.

So, if RHS is an r-value, we use move constructor; if not, we use normal constructor.

  • Notice actually you can bind const Type& to an r-value, but C++11 standard says if you are encountered with a r-value, Type && is the priority.

The actual meaning of r-value reference, is:

Provide the (temporary) r-value a name, so I can easily manipulate the data within it later.

And, since r-value reference itself is l-value, its elements are l-values. So we must cast them to r-value.

In this case, we use std::move.

class StrVector {
    // ...
    StrVector (StrVector&& other) : elems(std::move(other.elems)), logicalSize(other.logicalSize), allocatedSize(other.allocatedSize)
        other.elems = nullptr;

Example: swap

template <typename T>
void my_swap(T& a, T& b)
    T temp = std::move(a); 
    // now a is undefined
    a = std::move(b);
    // now b is undefined, and is given to a (i.e. a is defined)
    b = std::move(temp);
    // now temp is undefined, and is given to b (i.e. b is defined)

    // Finally, temp is undefined, and a, b are swapped.