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3. SQL Syntax

执行 pipeline

SELECT column1, aggregate_function(column2) AS aggr
FROM table_name
WHERE condition
GROUP BY column1
HAVING condition;

执行的 pipeline 就是:

  1. 通过 where 来 filter table
  2. 通过 group by 和 aggregation function 来分组+聚合
    • Note: Attributes in select clause outside of aggregate functions must appear in group by list
  3. 通过 having 来 filter result
    • Note: Before SQL-93, attributes in having conditions must NOT appear in group by list

NULL Value


在算数中,NULL 进行任何运算,还是 NULL。如 5 * (7 + NULL) = NULL。


在逻辑中,NULL 进行任何逻辑判断,都是 Unknown。

  • 除了 is NULLis not NULL

而 Unknown 和其它的逻辑进行判断,就是以下四个:



除了 COUNT(*) 以外,其它的聚合函数直接会忽略 NULL。